Mini Projects
AI Steering Behaviours...

Date: 12/2023
Engine & Version: Unity 2022.3.44f1
Bullet Point Main Features:
Implemented fundamental AI steering behaviors: seeking, fleeing, wandering, and arrival.
Utilized vector normalization and velocity calculations for smooth and dynamic movement.
Integrated predictive algorithms for pursuit and advanced obstacle avoidance techniques.
Enabled emergent AI behaviors through mathematical movement foundations.
Neural Network Character...

Date: 11/2024
Engine & Version: Unity 2022.3.44f1
Bullet Point Main Features:
Built a neural network to train Squiggles (a virtual worm) to reach a target.
Used rewards/punishments to shape movement behavior.
Applied Unity joints for limb control with runtime speed/force adjustments.
Observed adaptive movement patterns as settings changed.
Video is 3x speed to showcase learning progression.
Xcom Grid Based Movement & Camera Turning

Date: 12/2024
Engine & Version: Unity 2022.3.44f1
Bullet Point Main Features:
Inspired by XCOM 2, revisited AI concepts like grids, nodes, and pathfinding.
Implemented a turn-based movement system with two actions per character.
Established a foundation for future enemy AI development.
Multiplayer Platformer Game...

Date: 12/2024
Engine & Version: Unity 2022.3.44f1
Bullet Point Main Features:
Developed a multiplayer puzzle game using Netcode for GameObjects.
Designed four unique player characters with universe-specific abilities (Water, Plant, Magic, Fire).
Implemented network optimization techniques to balance server load and gameplay responsiveness.
Synchronized game state variables while handling local interactions efficiently.
AI Pathfinding...

Date: 12/2023
Engine & Version: Unity 2022.3.44f1
Bullet Point Main Features:
Implemented A* Pathfinding for tactical AI-driven enemy pursuit.
Developed Cooperative Arbitration for squad-based movement and dynamic leadership reassignment.
Integrated adaptive combat tactics with terrain-based movement speed adjustments.
Compared and evaluated alternative pathfinding algorithms (BFS, DFS, Dijkstra’s).
Cooperative Arbitration...

Date: 12/2023
Engine & Version: Unity 2022.3.44f1
Bullet Point Main Features:
Developed a real-time flocking simulation using Cooperative Arbitration principles.
Implemented cohesion, alignment, and separation for natural flock behavior.
Enabled dynamic flock spawning and removal with interactive user input.
Demonstrated real-time behavioral control and interactive simulation design.
Procedural Content Generation...

Date: //Details To Come...
Engine & Version: //Details To Come...
Bullet Point Main Features:
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Post Processing...

Date: 12/2022
Engine & Version: Unity 2022.3.44f1
Bullet Point Main Features:
Integrated C# scripting for dynamic post-processing effects in Unity.
Transitioned environments from greyscale to vibrant colors using Unity’s Post Processing tools.
Synchronized UI saturation changes with scene transitions for a seamless experience.
Showcased real-time visual effects programming for enhanced user engagement.
Shaders & Post Processing with OpenGl...

Date: 12/2024
Engine & Version: OpenGL with C++ (Developed in Visual Studio)
Bullet Point Main Features:
Developed an OpenGL-rendered adaptation of Star Wars: A New Hope’s opening scene.
Implemented custom ADS lighting shaders and Perlin noise-based atmospheric effects.
Created a dynamic cloaking effect using an environment-mapping shader.
Integrated geometry shaders for real-time texture changes and explosive effects.
Applied bloom and blur post-processing for enhanced cinematic quality.
Memory Management...

Date: 12/2023
Engine & Version: C++ (Developed in Visual Studio)
Bullet Point Main Features:
Developed a console-based Space Invaders clone with multi-level progression.
Utilized raw and smart pointers for efficient memory management and data sharing.
Repurposed mechanics from Space Invaders to create a Pong variant.
Adapted ship movement for paddle control and projectile physics for Pong ball behavior.
Optimized memory usage while maintaining modular, reusable game components.

Date: //Details To Come...
Engine & Version: //Details To Come...
Bullet Point Main Features:
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